
Donation Request: Ocean Outlet

The Ocean Outlet is a 6th grade designed and run student “store” where the currency is DolphinDollars. Students earn Dolphin Dollars throughout their days for their SWIMing behavior. Three times a year, students are able to shop at Ocean Outlet using their DolphinDollars. Ocean Outlet is funded by our PBIS monies, PTA grants and donations from parents and community members. New items are purchased, but the Outlet relies on gently used donations to round out their offerings. Students have shown…

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Call for NDE Photos!

The PTA is looking for photos to showcase all of the great events and activities volunteers make happen at North Davis Elementary. If you have a photo from school field trips, concerts, practices or any other PTA funded activity, please drop in THIS Google Drive folder. The PTA appreciates your help!

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Scholastic Book Fair

The Scholastic Book Fair is coming to North Davis! Visit the North Davis Elementary Library to shop for books March 20-24 at lunch, and after school until 3:15 (closing at 1:15 on Friday). All proceeds support the North Davis Library Program and keep quality books in the hands of our students. Visit the Scholastic Book Fair homepage for more information and to create an e-wallet for your student. Volunteers are needed to help with book sales, please click here to…

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PTA Fundraiser at Woodstock’s Pizza

Celebrate March Madness and help raise money for our North Davis Elementary PTA! North Davis Elementary PTA will hold a fundraiser at Woodstock’s Pizza in Davis on March 16, from 12–8p. All orders for dine-in and pick-up (including alcohol) will count toward our fundraiser. Customers must mention this fundraiser so Woodstock’s employees know to tag the order. If you order online, please write “fundraiser” in the notes section. Here’s a breakdown of how the fundraiser works. If our group brings in:…

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NDE Community Business Directory

In an effort to build a stronger community and help our NDE parents connect outside of the classroom, the Parent Teacher Association would like to create a Community Business Directory. If you have a business you would like to include in the NDE Community Business Directory, please CLICK HERE  to respond to our survey. This Business Directory is intended for the use of NDE community only; we ask once the Directory is shared, the privacy of each NDE community member is…

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HELP NEEDED: Nom Nom Wednesday

Our NDE students love Nom Nom Wednesday — but this amazing fundraiser needs help to keep going. The PTA needs snack + drink donations and adult volunteers ASAP. “There is a mad rush every Wednesday when school gets out,” PTA president Ann Carroll said. “We think it will be even more popular when the weather gets warmer and we start offering popsicles.” Where the funds go? The PTA started this fundraiser in November and has already raised $2,000. Nom Nom…

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December PTA Meeting (Hybrid)

Join us at 6 pm for light refreshments and attend the PTA meeting at the new MPR. Can’t make it in person? No worries, we will still broadcast via Zoom. Here’s the AGENDA. We will be reviewing spending funds for Davis Parent University, T-shirts, Identity Day, Active4Me, Fundraisers, and Community Events. The state also approved our bylaws, so we will officially adopt those at this meeting. We also hope to have a couple of guest speakers and will keep you…

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Youth Truth Family Survey

Please take a few moments to complete an online survey that will help improve our school. YouthTruth – a nonprofit organization that supports hundreds of schools and districts across the county – is conducting an anonymous survey for NDE. Please take the survey before it closes at midnight on November 18 by clicking this link: ytsurvey.org/djusdfamily22 Please note: The survey needs to be completed in one sitting. NDE asks that one member of each household fill out the survey. If you…

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Jog-a-Thon Raises more than $30k

The 6th annual NDE Jog-a-Thon was a HUGE success! Held over a 2-day period on Nov 1st and 3rd due to weather, our kids completed 12,497 laps and raised $30,313! This will cover the expenses for our teacher grants, art program, fitness program and jump rope club!  Despite the wind, rain and changes with the schedule, we’ve heard nothing but good things from our students and we have all our amazing parent volunteers, teachers and staff to thank for that! You arrived early…

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North Davis Elementary PTA
555 E. 14th Street
Davis, CA 95616
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