Our NDE students love Nom Nom Wednesday — but this amazing fundraiser needs help to keep going.
The PTA needs snack + drink donations and adult volunteers ASAP.
“There is a mad rush every Wednesday when school gets out,” PTA president Ann Carroll said. “We think it will be even more popular when the weather gets warmer and we start offering popsicles.”
Where the funds go?
The PTA started this fundraiser in November and has already raised $2,000.
Nom Nom Wednesday is an all revenue fundraiser because the snacks are donated.
Best snack + drink to donate?
Boxes of individually wrapped dry snacks: e.g., potato chips, popcorn, chips ahoy. No nuts.
Individually served drinks: e.g., LaCroix, sparkling water, juice, Izze, Gatorade.
Want to donate or volunteer?
Thank you, thank you, thank you. Please sign up here!