NDE Community:

I hope your 2014-2015 school year is off to a good start. Attached, please find a copy of the Agenda for the First General Meeting of the PTA, next Thursday, September 18, 2014 starting at 7:00 p.m. This is right after the Fall Family Picnic. I hope you will come to meet the new Executive Board and hear about the planning underway for the November 1st Auction. The Executive Board will also be presenting a proposed Budget with the intent of leaving the meeting with an approved Budget.

We still have some Executive Board and Volunteer Chair positions open. Most importantly, we need a Treasurer. If you are interested please contact me or come to the PTA General Meeting and talk with us.

Finally, September 18th is also our Fall Family Picnic. The Lozano family are once again planning it so we know it will be fantastic! Thank you!!! We have invited Davis Joint Unified School District’s School Board Candidates to both events. If you are interested in speaking with them, they will be recognizable because they’ll be wearing a name tag. There is no pressure to speak with them or endorse them and we have let them know that. On the other hand, this is your chance to learn more about the ones that come.

I hope you can make it to both the Fall Family Picnic and our PTA General Meeting.

Roberta Savage
NDE PTA President