The Davis Madrigal Singers, an auditioned group of 29 students from Davis high schools, invite your child to join them in the Madrigal Singers Holiday Choral Workshop! The “Mads” will lead participants in an afternoon of learning holiday songs, playing games, and having snacks. Participants will be able to join the Madrigal Singers on stage to sing songs from the workshop in a December concert at the University Retirement Community.

We hope to see your child at the workshop, November 11, 2014, 1:30pm-4pm, Richard Brunelle Performance Hall, Davis High School, 315 W. 14th Street. Cost: $30, with scholarships available.

For more information and to register, go to and select the button for the K-6 Choral Workshop. Questions? Call Bryan Levien at 530-902-1639