MAY IS BIKE MONTH—Final Announcements
We had great success with our May is Bike Month competitions and weekly activities.
We WON the district-wide Root Beer Float Party (compliments of Whole Foods) for having the most students scan in on Bike to School Day.
We WON the 3-week Willet Competition and enjoyed the dunk tank on Wednesday, May 27th.
Mrs. Lovitt’s class won the classroom competition (for most students scanning in the most days during May) and they enjoyed snow cones on Thursday, June 4th (compliments of the Fee Family).
Many students won individual prizes for their May is Bike Month participation (based on a random raffle draw). 
Every student who scanned in during May received a “I am happiest on my bike” t-shirt (if they have not yet received one, there are a few left…they need to check in with me). Additionally, during our three week Willett competition students who scanned in received a prize of their choice at least once a week.
We had six weeks of after-school activities on Wednesdays: (1) Bike Rodeo (sponsored by Davis Bicycles!), (2) Most Decorated Bike Contest and Helmet Decorating, (3) Bike Blender, Prize Wheel, Slow Race Championships, (4) Tricycle and Training Wheel Races, and a Bell Party, (5) Teacher Bike Race and Dunk Tank, (6) Root Beer Float Party. What a great time!!
I want to thank the following people for their help in making May is Bike Month such a huge success: Kerry Sortor, Karen Fee, Michelle Maranta, Kelly Kohen, Michelle Buzbee, Ana Etchells, Stacey Blosch, Lori Benedict, Tracy Ringgold, Bonnie Berman, Deb Westergaard, Lesli Lamb, Jeaneen Deas, June Wood, Jeff Tweddale, our NDE librarians—Mrs. Aiello and Mrs. Theis, and all of the teachers who participated in the Teacher Bike Race—Mrs. Chicione, Mrs. Lege, Mrs. Valdepena, Mrs. Gadisman, Mr. Simi, Mrs. Fingerman, Mrs. Tweltridge, Mrs. Froman, Mrs. D’Angelo, Mr. Learned and our winner-Mrs. Newman!
I want to acknowledge the generosity of Davis Bicycles!, Theo Buckendorf (King High bike repair shop), and Blissworks who made it possible for two North Davis Elementary students to ride home a ‘new to them’ bike and lock!
A huge thank you goes to NDE family owned Cultive for their sponsorship of May is Bike Month. Additionally, thanks to the Sortor, Maranta, Heeren, Pickus, Fee and Portello families for donating May is Bike Month PRIZES!
Active scanning—Final Announcements
Our impressive STATS—
May 2014 compared with May 2015:
·        241 users in 2014 VS 360 users in 2015
·        2,818 trips logged in 2014 VS  3,705 trips logged in 2015
For school year 2014-2015 (stats for Aug 27 – Jun 5):
·        385 students used
·        logging 18,617 trips
·        for a total of 39,416 miles
·        saving 34,650lbs of CO2
·        saving our NDE families $7,846 in gas costs
KEEP scan cards for next year! Just cut them off and attach to new backpacks as needed.
We gave away over 200 individual prizes throughout the school year associated with the scanning program. This includes prizes for students who scanned in almost every day during the year ($10 gift card for those who scanned in 160+ days, $5 gift card for those who scanned in 150+ days, pick a prize for those who scanned in 140+ days as of Friday, May 29). Additionally, every participating student enjoyed hot chocolate on a cold morning and a prize table selection of fun prizes.
I want to THANK the following parents who come early once a week to scan in our students: Diane Layman and Emily Olivarri (Mondays), Michelle and Ken Maranta (Tuesdays), Karen and Mike Fee (Wednesdays), Ed Henn and Linda Bernacchi (Thursdays) and Deb Westergaard, Alyssa Wallace, and Carol Elms (Fridays) as well as alternates/subs Kerry Sortor, Lori Benedict, and Martin Pence. Many of us are graduating this year…if you are able to help in this manner, please contact Michelle Maranta or Karen Fee.
Kids In Motion Physical Fitness Program
The kindergarteners learned so many fun games and activities and thoroughly enjoyed seeing our final Jump Rope Assembly and are already trying some new jump rope tricks! They are ready for their 1st grade fitness experience next year. Thanks to parent Tanya Luten (with support from parent Kelly Kohen) who led the kindergarten program this year.
Students in grades 1-3 enjoyed learning some new games as well as some old favorites this year. Every year they are able to learn additional challenges on some of the games they already know. We also had great fun with our three-week BOSU unit. Thanks to parent Kelly Kohen who coordinated the primary program the entire school year as well as led the 1st grade sessions! We are fortunate that she is with us again next year…as she will continue to coordinate!
Students in grades 4-6 learned/continued learning a variety of sports skills throughout the school year. These include: overhand throwing (baseball/softball/football), fitness testing, kicking/trapping (soccer), Frisbee, blacktop ball games, basketball, volleyball, track and field, and racquet sports (tennis and badminton). Thanks to PTA funds, we were able to purchase a new game called 9-Square in the Air. It has been a blast to play this year. Students look forward to continuing to play for years to come!
Kids In Motion Jump Rope Club
We had an incredible final whole school Jump Rope Assembly. If you missed it, you missed out on seeing a lot of firsts—first time we included hula hooping in the assembly and what a treat! First time we saw students on pogo sticks while jumping in individual ropes as well as in a long rope. First time we had 20+ students who learned to Double Dutch this year participate in the assembly.
I want to send a big shout out to parent Kerry Sortor who has been my trusted side kick for all things jump rope for the past several years. We could not have done as much as we did without her help!!
This is my last year with a student at North Davis Elementary, after 13 years! It has been an amazing ride! I have thoroughly enjoyed working with your students over this time and have appreciated their help in developing a fun, engaging, curriculum-based fitness program.
THANKS! Kristen Muir (aka Mrs. Heeren)